Who we are
The B-Less ministry model draws from, and continues to build upon, the experiences of B-Less director, Dr Neil Martin, seeking to serve undergrads during his own time as a doctoral student in Oxford.
B-Less is currently recruiting for a part-time Charity Manager. If you are interested in this role please contact Neil

What we do
Noticing the impact that just one very ordinary graduate student can have on a whole cohort of undergraduates by focusing deliberately on interpersonal encouragement and support their efforts in evangelism, the donors who funded Neil’s doctoral research have now set aside funds seeking to replicate this experience by training and deploying multiple graduate students at the same time on an apprenticeship model.
What we believe
B-Less takes its name and its ethos from the call of Abraham to be a blessing to the nations in Genesis 12. In a world shouting at us always to be more, God calls us to be less and find in that step away from self-reliance and towards reliance on him, the germ of the blessing he intends for us and for the world.