Graduates investing in undergraduates
We believe the church is missing a massive opportunity for gospel usefulness in modern secular universities.
Christian Unions do an amazing job of catalysing spiritual support and outreach among undergraduates. Churches and parachurch organisations, however, find it increasingly difficult to penetrate the conversations that take place behind the closed doors of lecture theatres and student rooms. Organised graduate student ministries are rare and, where they exist, they focus on Christian approaches to research and forming students as future influencers. But what about their potential for usefulness now?
B-Less exists to identify ministry-minded graduate students, training and deploying them to support proven ministry pathways among undergraduates while they are studying in the same institutions.

B-Less deploys graduate students to encourage undergraduates seeking, and often struggling, to integrate their commitment to Christ into their lives as participants in secular social and academic communities.
Through their participation in the same academic faculties, their familiarity with the same topics and tutors, their experience navigating their way through similar undergraduate programmes in the past, and their shared access to established discussion fora like Theology Network; enthusiastic, theologically orthodox graduate students are uniquely placed to help.
B-Less deploys graduate students with significant prior student ministry experience to energise existing undergraduate outreach initiatives and catalyse new ones, meeting needs that range from the practical and pastoral to the apologetic and academic.
Ministry-minded masters and doctoral students are uniquely equipped to speak with empathy and authority into the questions that undergraduate students are asking, applying advanced subject area knowledge to the hot topics of the day and their experience of God’s faithfulness along their own journeys to communicate the reality and credibility of the gospel in practice.